Story of Zipline and Its Founder

I happened upon a YouTube video by Mark Rober about a company called Zipline. It first caught my attention because it looked like something about a “drone that will change everything.” It turned out to be so much more. I’ll provide the link to his video below. He does an amazing job telling the story and even traveled to Rwanda to see things firsthand. I’ll give a brief summary, but I encourage you to watch the video.

Zipline is in Rwanda using drones to deliver critical medical supplies and blood to hospitals around the country. As amazing as that is, the background of the company and its goals is even more inspirational. The founder grew up in Rwanda during the horrible genocide. He barely survived and bares a scar on his head from the same machete that took his parents. He grew up building things out of trash scraps and eventually helped repair medical equipment based on videos he found on YouTube. He then attended Stanford and Harvard graduating with engineering degrees. I’ll leave the rest for Mark’s video. This is an example of a company truly giving back to help humanity.

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